Twenty five years ago Barbara Richmond and Peggy Ermet gave birth to the idea of creating an organization to support the kind of agencies who took care of their sons before they died with hope in their hearts that a cure for HIV/AIDS would be found within their lifetimes. Unfortunately, that was not to be — both moms have since joined their sons. But today, REAF continues to thrive thanks to the generosity of people like you who continue to support our mission and come to our events. Through our highly anticipated entertainment events, we have been able to help people with HI/AIDS access the services they need, provide home-delivered meals to homebound seniors and other critically ill individuals, and help hundreds of homeless youth to find stability and become productive members of our society. We are proud that 100% of the proceeds from ticket sales have always gone directly to our beneficiary agencies.
Thanks to your generosity and the hard work of all involved, we have also been able to extend our impact by providing a limited number of Small Emergency Grants to individuals facing short term crisis situations, helping them get back on their feet with peace of mind. Fifty percent of the funds raised through the Silver Ambassador’s Club will be utilized to expand our Small Emergency Grants program so that we may continue to help more people navigate those unexpected and traumatic events that can overwhelm and devastate them. Funds to pay for unexpected medical or dental bills, legal fees for housing or job discrimination or the devastating effects of a natural disaster such as the recent forest fires that decimated so much of California.
In celebration of REAF’s 25th anniversary year, we are excited to introduce our new exclusive membership club for REAF high donors.
As a founding member of REAF’s exciting new SILVER AMBASSADOR’S CLUB, you will help REAF continue to fulfill our mission to provide aid for HIV services, hunger programs and programs that support homeless and underserved youth.
Founding members of the Silver Ambassador’s Club may join anytime through 2019 for a discounted fee of $2,500. Regular membership will be $3,000 after December 2019. Founding members may continue to renew at the founding member price as long they continue to renew their membership. More information about our new Silver Ambassador’s Club is available online or you may call me at 415-931-2515.
See photos of the club's Spring 2019 Sushi Boat Party
Shelley Hann Brunetti – Chair
Gregg Brooks
Ted Hannig
Darren Iverson
John Kennedy
Donald Kraft
Andy Leas
Michael Neely
Gary Snow
William Vastardis
Lawrence Wong
Click to hear the "Help is on the Way"
theme song by Nancy Lamott.
Providing aid for HIV services, hunger programs and support for homeless and disenfranchised youth and seniors